Baby Care articles

Blog > Articles on Baby Care
by Ivana StamenkovicPosted on: May 13th, 2017
Seeing all that cute little outfits makes you want to buy them all. But when shopping for your newborn you should think more about their comfort and safety and less about the labels and style. There's no point in wasting money on buying things you probably won't use. Nobody can tell you the exact number of baby clothing items you'll need. It depends on your budget, lifestyle, climate.
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by Ivana StamenkovicPosted on: April 30th, 2017
Bathing a baby for the first time can be a little bit challenging since babies are too small and the water makes them slippery. Maybe you’d need some help for the first few times. But once you overcome your fear and get some practice, it’ll become one of the funniest parts of the day. Most of the babies like water and enjoy taking a bath. Bathing is a perfect opportunity to make a connection with your baby, especially for fathers. Or your older children who can help with adding you the things you need.
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Posted on: November 23rd, 2016
Many questions are raised in the mind of mother as the winter approaches. What equipment does the child need in winter? How must the stroller be fitted so that the baby is optimally protected against cold? What is the best weather protection for your skin? We'll help you in deciding the correct options so your sunshine comes through cold season.
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Posted on: November 21st, 2016
With the birth of a baby, not only a new member joins the family but many new tasks too, such as infant care. Infant care doesn't means changing the diapers regularly, you need to do naval care, bathing, nails cut and choosing the right clothes for your infant. Many of the hand-grips quickly become routine. Do not worry if you are still unsure at first. We'll explain in detail how you can best take care of your little darling.
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